Mar 04, 2021

When I think of mindfulness, I think of being fully aware of the choices you make.

Saying YES to one thing means you are saying NO to other things.

Being mindful about your choices, to me, means you recognize the meaning of saying YES or saying NO. Maybe it is as simple as a choice to finish one more project (saying YES to the project) before going home from work and being late for dinner (saying NO to being on time. I’m guilty of that, sorry Doug)

Or maybe it is much bigger. As a person who often gets asked to volunteer for many different things, I am very careful about what to say YES to. Have no doubt, they are all worthy causes, but they may not be MY worthy causes.

Remember, if you don’t plan how you use your own time, someone else always will. We each only have 24 hours in the day and being mindful about how you use it will make a difference to your course in life.

If you float around in your day and let the tide push and pull you, who knows where you’ll end up. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely times where I think this is a great way to be. But on the whole, if you have priorities and goals in your life, it is important to recognize that sometimes you need to say NO because it does not fit in that bigger picture.

The first step is to create your priorities and goals and then it becomes much easier to say YES or NO for all the right reasons.

So during “Mindful March” take a little time to think before you say your YESes and your NOs to make sure they put you on the path to achieve your priorities and goals.
