“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

Jul 11, 2023

“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
¬–Christopher Robin

This month’s theme is building confidence. I am not sure I can say I begin every day with the belief that I will get all that needs to get done or if I will always get it right.


The quote above is something that seems to help me get through those times where I confront the failures and successes of each day. I know that here at BTTC one of our guiding principles is to build confidence in all that enter and become part of our club.


This core value is a big part of what we strive to provide in our work here. I have this notion that through my efforts to help other people become more confident in their goals in tennis and fitness it assists in helping me become a stronger and better person.


I may enter each day with some form of self-doubt and worry but I usually leave here feeling better about those things that kept me awake at night.


Here are some random thoughts that building confidence can do for me and maybe you.


  • If you are sincere in your work, it usually makes it easier and more rewarding.


  • If you can help others accomplish goals, this may also help you accomplish yours.


  • Don’t be afraid to rely on the help of other people to get you through each day.


  • We are fortunate to be able to come to BTTC and work towards becoming more confident in our daily lives.


  • As many athletes say, “pressure is a privilege”, we should embrace the challenges we face each day and appreciate that we have work to do.


  • Believe in yourself, it will get you through each day.


When Christopher Robin told Winnie the Pooh to be confident, I believe AA Milne wrote this to instill confidence in all children as well as the adults reading this book to their children. We are all better off when we approach life’s challenges with confidence.


So, let me leave you with a quote from one of our greatest tennis players and person of our times;


“One important key to success is

self-confidence. An important key to

self-confidence is preparation.”

― Arthur Ashe

