Being Grateful
Aug 04, 2020
Being Grateful
Here’s the truth. I’m not normally a ‘fraidy cat. I go boldly into the world seeking out connections, community, and adventure. I like to make things happen and get things done.
But this pandemic has knocked me sideways, I’m second guessing myself, and exploring worst case scenarios. My own shadow is making me jump. I worry for your health and the health of the club. I bet, as the pandemic continues, that many people are feeling on edge just like me.
In the quest to get grounded again, I am listening to the book “Everything is Figureoutable” (by Marie Forlio) I normally live by that and now when faced with daily new challenges, I've made it my mantra (see the "CHANGES" column and you'll understand why).
But the other thing I was reminded of is that your thoughts drive your attention, emotions, actions, and outcomes. We each have a complex neural network called the reticular activating system (RAS). Among other important functions, your RAS acts as an attention filter.
Its your personal sifter of information and is why in a noisy café you can focus on a single conversation but snap to if someone calls out your name. Its also why, say when you are thinking of buying a blue Prius, you suddenly start seeing blue Prius’s everywhere. You have alerted your RAS to pay attention to a particular thing.
Your RAS is always running in the background to filter out unimportant information and scanning the environment for any and all opportunities for the things you’ve deemed important. Your GOALS are part of this and your RAS will begin processing ideas and directing you to pay attention to solutions you need, whether or not you are aware of it.
At this crazy time in our lives, we could all use a dose of self-determination and focus on the positive. I hope you’ll join me in choosing to focus on the things for which you can be grateful. Your RAS helps out with subtly helping point out the things you should pay attention to.
Try it out! Even just writing down one goal every day (the same goal if it is a big one), will help bring things to focus. I have a practice of writing down my (same) 10 goals every day and noticing things for which I am grateful…and that reinforces the importance within my RAS.
I am particularly grateful that we have this mental assist to help us seek and find’s almost like magic! Tapping into it by reinforcing the things you WANT in life will help lead you to the solutions.
In the mean time, I am so grateful for…
• The love and support from my husband. We just celebrated 32 years of marriage!
• The opportunity to be a healthy part of your life. It brings me such joy to see others thrive.
• New knee technology! I’d be handicapped and in a lot of pain without my new knees.
• You…our members (and guests) and the community we have at the Club. You buoy my spirits and make the challenges of running a business all worthwhile.
We are celebrating “live gratefully” at the end of August and hope you’ll stop by to enjoy the fun.
Robin Robertson, Owner & Manager
Founder: Healthy Knees Coach
Author: Healthy Knees Cycling