Jan 26, 2023

In Matthew’s Newsletter this month he wrote about happiness and smiling, well, coincidence is that is also what I had planned to write about this month.


Here is the visual for you:

I hope it makes you smile.


As I look across the Lobby, I see nothing but smiling faces.


As I walk by the Group Training Classes, I hear giggles, great music and see lots of smiles.



As I play tennis with my friends, I hear nothing but laughter and see smiles all around.


As I was group texting with some friends and mentioned I worked for a few hours on a Sunday to help out a fellow coworker, one of my friends text back, “I hope you survived the Club today”. I smiled, laughed, and text her back, “the Club was super fun.”



I smiled when I was talking to my husband about an old friend and her daughter.


Smiling is contagious and it makes me feel so happy to see other people smiling. What I see here at BTTC is many smiling faces. So, did I “survive” the Club, working for a few hours on a Sunday? You bet!


Not only is this a great place to come to, to get healthy and fit, meet new people, or visit with old friends, it is a place that brings joy, it is one of the best parts of my day and it makes me smile.


Matthew asked us to think about what makes us happy and what our New Years resolutions are. Mine is to smile even more, have fun, and help you to do the same!


And don’t worry Matthew, I will continue to work on “hitting the ball earlier, stay focused, move my feet and be patient with myself”.Thanks for the great advice…BIG SMILE!

~Michelle Fry

Member and Guest Manager