Building Confidence

Jan 28, 2022

Building Confidence comes in many ways. I recently had my eyebrows microbladded. After losing 90% of them due to an unknown reason I felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed, especially with a mask on, we are all eyes at this point.


I did some research and found a great fix and I am feeling much more confident. A healthy confidence level may help you to accomplish your goals and thrive personally and professionally.


Here are some useful tips on building confidence I found during my research and thought they were great!


1. Be positive and believe in yourself

This can sometimes be easier said than done, but the best way is to block any negative thoughts or doubts. If you don’t believe in yourself who else will?


2. Find a mentor

Starting a new role or doing something for the first time can bring out insecurities and cause you to question your ability to accomplish it. What better way to build your confidence than by having a talented, experienced person helping you along the way?


3. Ask questions

There is nothing wrong with asking questions – in fact it’s imperative that you do. Not only does it show your interest, but it can help you to understand exactly what is expected of you. Remember to listen to the answer and maybe take a note of it to avoid asking the same question again.


4. Build on your strengths

Focus on your skills and talents, whether it is working with people, time management or knowledge of a certain system or process. It is important that you recognize these skills and understand what you are good at so you can build on it.

5. Develop new skills

Identify areas where you feel you could further improve on and write an action plan on how you can develop them.


6. Eliminate negative language

Don’t dwell on something if it did not go according to plan. Instead, write down what did not go as planned and see what you can do to improve on it. Then let the negative talk go.

7. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, you learn most when you make mistakes. Remember that everything you do provides a learning opportunity.

8. Set yourself small achievable goals

Write a list of achievable monthly goals that will give you sense of direction and control of what you really want and how you can achieve it. This will keep you focused.


9. Have fun, too.

Push yourself outside your comfort zone by signing up to social events so you can meet new people or even attend a class at the gym that you’ve been wanting to go to but haven’t had the confidence to go it alone. If you feel you need some extra support, ask a friend to go with you. You never know, you might even enjoy it and make some other new friends at the same time!

