Matt-Cardio Tennis
May 18, 2020
Welcome to the end of winter and the beginning of Spring. The courts have been busy which makes for a fun time here at the club.
Thanks to all you avid tennis players we have had to expand some of our Cardio Tennis sessions and Clinics. We do listen to your requests and try to make any changes that make sense for the club with 5 courts and many people that want to get their time on the courts.
Speaking of Cardio Tennis this month we are encouraging people to use their Myzone monitors this month and if you have one you should be wearing it during your cardio tennis workouts. This a great tool to see how much effort you are using and how it is helping you keep a healthy happy heart.
Speaking of staying healthy keep playing tennis for studies have pointed out that it is the top sport for adding years to our lives. This is because it is a sport that not only encourages good physical fitness but also helps with the intellectual and social parts of our journey. Remember these things when you are out there hitting the ball and just realize how lucky we are to play a sport that is so beneficial to our overall being.
Here are two additional Cardio Tennis Programs:
New Cardio Tennis Class (4.0+): March 9-April 20: Every Monday 11:00-Noon. Required NTRP Rating of 4.0+ and the ability to run on court. Work out on the court! Fast-paced drills and games will keep your body in constant motion, improve your speed and agility, and burn a ton of calories.
Cardio Tennis Mixer: April 3-May 22, 20202 Fridays 6:15pm-8:45pm. Start with a 30 minute Cardio Tennis training to get your heart pumping, then enjoy meeting new players in the Round Robin format tennis mixer that follows. Should be 3.0+ rating to participate.
Keep swinging the racket and remember to be kind to your partners, opponents, and those playing next to you.
Click here for Tennis Clinics: Tennis 2020 Early Spring Schedule