Come Celebrate with Us

May 04, 2022

This Friday is Member Appreciation Night.

We are celebrating 22 years of having the BEST members possible.


So Join Robin, me and lots of the staff as we thank YOU for being so wonderful. We will have a light dinner, beer, wine and soft drinks, plus Robin’s infamous “Spin the Wheel” for massive prizes. Matt will put together a Round Robin for tennis players to meet/play with folks you may not know. And…BTTC Bingo: the victor will need to know vital facts and info about the Club and our staff. A great night to get to meet members you don’t yet know and share a some time with others you do.


The party is all about thanking all the members. 


Robin and I are so fortunate to have such a supportive, active and fun group of dedicated members. When we first took over (after convincing Robin of the wisdom of owning/running a tennis club over Cedar Street cocktails), there was a great core group that supported us as we made changes and revisions (most worked, some not). As we continued to grow, we have been so fortunate to welcome so many new folks to our Member Family.


And during Covid, all of our members were patient, understanding and stood by use in those difficult times. Thanks to you—we all made it!


So please RSVP and then join us on Friday. Come up and say hi to Robin and me and share a story about the Club that makes you smile.


Thanks Doug and Robin


PS—Be sure to ask Matt what island in the Caribbean he taught tennis on.