Community Beyond What Most Would Expect

Aug 17, 2021

 To so many, this club represents a community beyond what most would expect when walking into the facility for the first time. This did not come about as a fluke, but rather was an environment fostered through care. Care for one another, care for ourselves. 

  When you walk through the doors, you are doing so with a purpose. You came to care for your mind and body. You came to take care of business. We are here to help, and in turn take care of your wants, needs, and to help instill the ability for you to care for yourself. 

  Whether you come for tennis or fitness, care is ingrained into each step of the process. There is work put in on the back end, both meticulous and diligent, to prepare for your time here and ensure it is the most effective and fulfilling experience it can be.

 There is care put into to every second spent with a tennis pro or fit staff member. There are meetings and planning sessions to review how we can be better. Every process and action put in place at the club is done with care for you in mind.

  When it comes to building and expanding that caring community, our efforts only go so far though. 

  How are you meeting us throughout the process to bring care yourself? The club not only represents a community you can invest yourself in, but a platform for improvement as well.  

  Every additional ounce of effort you put into your interactions with other members, your workouts, or your tennis matches, moves the bar forward in the care you bring to your day, and the connections and progress you create.  

 Just as you should be the change you wish to see in the world, you should be the care you wish to see as well. 

 Moving forward, take a close look at your efforts and interactions throughout the day. 

  Examine them under a magnifying glass, and look to see if there is room for a little extra care in your efforts and interactions.  
