Matt-Covid 19 Update from Bellingham Training and Tennis Club

May 18, 2020

Dear Members and the BTTC Extended Family,

BTTC is continuing to plan and act proactively regarding Covid 19. Like all of you, we are monitoring the appropriate government institutions for distribution of accurate information and new guidelines.

We are receiving many questions about our operating standards and future of programs and have provided answers, below.  We understand that each individual will need to make their own decision about activities. 

We are implementing these new protocols (below), in alignment with Whatcom County Health Department Guidelines.

We continue to keep the health and safety of all of our members and guests, as well as our team, at top of mind.  Protocols may change as the situation with Covid 19 evolves. 



We are following the guidelines as provided by the Whatcom County Health Department and limiting all gatherings to 10 people or less. Our tennis clinics are already (and always have been) a ratio of 1 instructor to 6-8 students and so we are well within these guidelines. 

Based upon the information available today, we wanted to reiterate the ongoing standards for Junior Tennis Clinics at BTTC:

  • all Junior players must wash their hands before entering any activity. We ask all parents to simply take your kids into our bathrooms and have them wash their hands thoroughly before going up to the courts.

  • We will have and utilize hand sanitizer (as is available) on the courts throughout the clinics.

  • We are cleaning all racquets and equipment in between clinics. Understandably, we cannot clean the balls. But there are so many that we believe any risk from repeated ball use is minimal.

  • If the junior participant or any member of your family is sick, please do not come to the club.

  • We continually training our staff to ensure:

    • appropriate social distancing during tennis clinics;

    • tracking and cleaning equipment;

    • proper health procedures followed by all of our staff for their own and your protection.

  • Boys & Girls Tournament on 4/18 is cancelled

We really appreciate all the junior players at the club and we want to keep them healthy, safe and energized. If you have any questions about any of these, please contact Mathew Iwersen, Tennis Director, [email protected]



  • All Club visitors are asked to wash their hands before beginning any activity. Please use the Club's locker rooms to thoroughly wash your hands before proceeding to your activity. 

  • Everyone is directed to follow all of the other recommended personal health protocols about minimizing transmission of Covid 19.

  • If you or any member of your family is sick, please do not come to the Club.

  • If you are in a higher risk category, we strongly recommend that you do not participate in group activities. According to the CDC and Whatcom County Health Department, people at higher risk include:

    • People over 60 years of age

    • Anyone underlying healthy conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes

    • Anyone with weakened immune systems

    • Women who are pregnant 

  • We continually training our staff to ensure:

    • appropriate social distancing during the tennis clinic;

    • tracking and cleaning equipment;

    • proper health procedures followed by all of our staff for their own and your protection.



Based upon the information available today, we wanted to reiterate the ongoing standards for adult Tennis Clinics at BTTC:

  • All tennis clinics are held in a ratio of 1 instructor to 6-8 students which meets the Whatcom County Health Department guidelines

  • We will have and utilize hand sanitizer (as is available) on the courts throughout the clinics.

  • We are cleaning all rackets and equipment in between clinics. Understandably, we cannot clean the balls. But there are so many that we believe any risk from repeated ball use is minimal.

We really appreciate all of our great players at the Club and we want to keep you all healthy, safe and energized. If you have any questions about any of these policies, please contact Matthew Iwersen, Tennis Director, [email protected]



In accordance with the Whatcom County health Department guidelines, all of our group exercise classes shall be capped at 10 participants. To accommodate classes with more than that number, we will implement the following options:

  • add additional classes before or after the existing one;

  • make available small group sessions for those in high risk categories in place of the group training class you'd normally take. (1-4 people, booked at front desk, no charge).

We really appreciate all of group training and cycle clinic participants and want to keep you all healthy, safe and energized. If you have any questions about any of these, please contact Tyler Budwey, Fitness Director, [email protected]



Robin Robertson

BTTC Owner & Manager

Founder Healthy Knees Coach

Author: Healthy Knees Cycling (Healthy Knees Strength coming soon!)