Robin-Design your next decade
May 18, 2020
Oh boy! It's the start of a new year, of a new decade, a new next 10 years for you!
It is hard to believe that the 2010's have come to a close. A LOT has happened in the past decade - incredible things, sad things, hard things, and things my 2010 self could not have imagined.
You know me, I'm a planner and I believe heartily in making dreams come true...and since we are opening up a whole new decade, it is time to think BIG.
Making dreams come true is not about sprinkling fairy dust and hoping for the best. Oh no, it's way more calculated than that.
It's about knowing what you want and reverse engineering the path to get there. It's not as cold and calculating as that sounds, but it is purposeful. If you think about what you want, and make a plan to get there, it is far easier to say "no" to the things that will distract you from your desired path.
For instance, if you are saving money for a special trip or purchase, it is way easier to set up a savings plan to help you get there and to say "no" to those unimportant purchases that would take away from your goal.
So if you have a goal of running a 5K, or taking a long hike, or playing in a Masters Tournament, or riding the RAGBRAI bicycle event in July 2020 <hint>, you know you have to do the training in order to be in peak condition. It makes it a little easier to get out the door on those days you'd rather just slip on your jammies and watch a good movie (oh - that's good too - just do it after your workout).
I want to help you with your dreams too! Grab a spiral bound notebook (title it "GOALS") and get to work on setting up your next decade.
REVIEW: What happened for you during 2010-2019?
What are three Favorite memories? Of course you can list more...
What have you done that you are proud of?
What are the obstacles that you've overcome?
What mistakes did you make and what did you learn from them?
What lessons from the past 10 years do you want to remember as you move into this new decade?
RELEASE - It's time to let go of the "shouldas", "couldas", and "wouldas."
It's like cleaning out your closet (of your life). Some things are out of style, don't fit anymore, are worn out...while others are worth brushing off, taking to the cleaner, and refreshing a bit. It's a good time to value the things you love and clean out the clutter to make room for opportunity in the next decade.
Do you have old goals that you "shoulda" (should have) done and keep putting off?
Do you have any regrets of things you "coulda" (could have) done and are still nagging you?
Do wish you "woulda" (would have) handled some relationship differently?
It's OK to let go of the things that may be dragging you down, that weigh heavy on your spirit as you feel their burden of shoulda, coulda, woulda. Either decide to do something about it (and put it on your plan for the next decade) or ...let it go so your heart and mind are open to new things. When letting something go, I love the idea of writing it on a piece of paper and then burning the paper for a release.
DESIGN In the next 10 years...2020-2029 - what do you want to happen?
Start a new page for each item so that you can create your plan and list your accomplishments for each item.Something I'd like to DO
Somewhere I'd like to GO
A relationship I'd like to BUILD
How can my spirit (passion, religion) be RENEWED
How I can take care of my HEALTH
Something I'd like to learn or ACCOMPLISH
At the end of the decade, how do I want to FEEL?
Now that you have this amazing list for the next decade, let's give it some momentum. For each statement above, answer this:
What needs to be TRUE in order for that to happen?
What steps do I need to take in order for that to be true? (add "due" dates)
Add your completion dates for each step so you can see your progress over the years
AND there you have it! Your start to the best decade of your life!
OK, now get to it! Let me know how it goes - and yes, it's ok to change your plan over the next decade or add in some new ideas. Do a review every year and see how you are progressing along with your 2020 -2029 goals.
Happy New Year!
With Love,
Robin Robertson
Owner & Manager: Bellingham Training & Tennis Club
Founder: Healthy Knees Coach
Author: Healthy Knees Cycling