“Do anything, but let it produce joy.” ― Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Oct 12, 2021

I read Robin’s newsletter today and first realized it was my time to write one for next week.


The next was how she encouraged us to Enjoy Life. There are so many obstacles in our daily existence that try to block our way to enjoying the day that we develop ways to dodge these obstructions to make the day tolerable.


I believe getting to play, instruct, and observe tennis and fitness daily has limited the annoying obstacles in my life. We have all heard that it is easier to do work if it something you enjoy. I should pinch myself every once in a while, for getting to do what I get to do.



"Every day is a great day”. We all know that we don’t always feel that way but if you can just say that to yourself on one of those “not so great days”, then maybe you will just lift yourself up and realize there are worse scenarios you could be experiencing.


When having a bad day on the court just think of it as you are getting to play and maybe you are making the person(s) across the net feel pretty good. This way you are turning that lousy feeling into maybe a more joyful outlook on the day.


By making others feel good we can maybe produce a little more joy in the world. We only get one chance at this life so try to enjoy it.

