"Enjoy Life"

May 10, 2021

This might be a difficult time to think about how to enact one of our Club Core Values: “Enjoy Life!” because we are challenged in so many ways with the world-wide Covid pandemic.
But here’s the thing – there are always bright spots in life when you seek them out. Often we already have most of what we need to enjoy life and it is a matter of prioritizing the important things.

Here are 5 Reminders of Ways to help you Enjoy Life More…

1. Take Care of Yourself – eat well, get good sleep, exercise regularly, and have time to relax. Your body’s strength and resilience will help you go far.

2. Nurture Healthy Relationships – if you hang out with people who constantly drag you down, they will…drag you down. It might be time to move on to surrounding yourself with friends who inspire you, motivate you, and support you. Give back to your friends and community through relationships and good deeds.

3. Try New Things – explore new places (even locally during the pandemic!), try new foods, learn a new skill, test out a new hobby. Learning new things is a way to keep your brain young. It is your experiences, not your possessions, that create lasting memories.

4. Be Intentional in your Choices – Know when to say YES and when to say NO. If you don’t decide what to do with your time, someone else will. When you are intentional, you can head your life in the direction you want to go and will have time to do the fun and fulfilling things in life.

5. Celebrate Your Wins, Make time for Gratitude –Reflect on the small and big wins in your life. Pausing to appreciate the things you are grateful for will help you to focus on the good things in your life.

At BTTC, we want to help you enjoy life more – by getting stronger, building confidence, gaining new skills, being a part of a wonderful community of like-minded friends, to support you and help you believe that “you can do it!”
