Enjoy Life-Summer Fun
Jul 27, 2022
Photo by Michelle of a "Bellinghamster" doing the "Big Jump" at Kulshan Track Side. June 2022.
Rain, what rain? We have had a blast. In June Mike, Logan and I had a week off and the forecast here, rainy, so we made no reservations and no plans until a couple days prior, we watched the weather report and found the sunshine. We ended up Zip Lining and playing mini golf in Leavenworth, visiting with my family in Wenatchee, I took a tennis lesson from Brad Jefferies while the boys did a crazy mountain bike ride up Number 2 Canyon in Wenatchee.
July came around and it has been non-stop fun. We took the Sprinter van to Lopez Island, Music and Bike Fest, paddle boarding, 35th High School reunion, hanging out with family from Texas and friends, bon fires, gardening and now this Saturday a wedding for one of my best friends of over 20 years. Phew, are you tired yet…I am!
But what a wonderful Summer so far and lots to come. I cherish every moment with my family and friends and as we always say at the Club “Enjoy Life”
I am so grateful for what I have and what I do every day! Here are some fun pictures to put a smile on your face and maybe make you laugh because that is what enjoying life is all about.