Every strike brings me closer to the next home run." - Babe Ruth
Sep 14, 2021
With the baseball season coming to an end, I thought a good quote from one of the sport’s most famous was appropriate for the start of a new school year.
To many of us, this time of year is a start of something new while saying goodbye to the summer. With the start of fall we get ready to hunker down and enjoy the state of routine.
It is also can be a time of starting something new for you to grow as an individual. Like the start of a new semester, we can choose to do something that may improve our mind, spirit, health or all three.
So don’t be afraid to try something new because as the Babe said the next pitch you swing at may be a home run.
Here at the club I want to thank everyone on the BTTC staff for making this summer a busy and successful one.
The tennis staff all pitched in to run the camps, clinics, leagues, private lessons, and tournaments run smoothly. Michelle and the front desk staff also helped in keeping all these schedules and activities organized and efficiently administered. Tyler and the fitness staff keep working hard at encouraging all of us to care for ourselves and stay injury free.
Behind the scenes Kyle make our lives easier by letting all of you know what is happening at the club. Becca keeps all the accounts and much much more of the club operations in order. And Robin and Doug provide the care and inspiration that makes BTTC such a great place to be.
I think the BTTC staff hit a Home Run this summer. Thanks to all my fellow staff members.