Excited & Hopeful

Oct 26, 2021

Planning for the future, it has made me excited and hopeful. My husband and I are planning a trip of a lifetime to the British Virgin Islands with some of our best friends.


We have chartered a private 62-foot boat called “The Big Dog” through a company called, “Where Land Meets Sea”.


The thought of taking this trip seems to be just want I need right now. I have very deep roots that often keep me close to home but some of my friends had the big 40th birthday in 2020 and were disappointed because we were in lock down. Now that we are free to travel, we decided to go all out, and I am all in!! 


I feel what is referred to as “pre-trip happiness”. A study found that vacationers experience a significant boost in happiness during the planning stages of the trip. I feel like I have something to look forward to, ”good times ahead.“

I recently read in Forbes magazine, the benefits of taking a vacation are clear:


It results in improved productivity, lower stress and better overall mental health. It also spurs greater creativity — for example, Lin-Manuel Miranda conceived of Hamilton while on vacation.

Research on elite athletes shows that rest is what enables them to perform at peak levels, and the same is true for us. Taking a vacation allows us to come back feeling refreshed and recharged, with renewed focus. 


Hopefully you all have something to look forward to, whether it is seeing family you haven’t seen in a long time, taking a trip of any kind, or just getting out for the weekend. It makes me hopeful for all of us! 

