Feeling Grateful
Mar 25, 2022
I am back from my amazing trip and feeling grateful for so much. |
A trip like that can be life changing, for me it was. Not only did I see a completely different part of the world I saw it through my husband’s eyes, he had never taken a vacation like that before. It brought so much joy to see him happy, content, and relaxed. |
One day after my trip I went home picked up a book by Oprah, “What I know for Sure” and flipped to a random page.
Surprise surprise, it was all about being grateful and thankful. I sat back, counted my blessings, and thought about how thankful I am for the abundance in my life. Especially the abundance of love I get from my family, friends, coworkers and at the Club. |
I find the quote by Eckhart Tolle so true. It is important to acknowledge the good in your life. A positive attitude and good energy spark more positivity!
This trip made me appreciate my life and my job even more. I came back to a place I love to call home.
Please join me in, “being thankful, approachable, complain less, really smile, start early, go long, go beyond expectations and have a sense of humor”
-Michelle |