
Nov 10, 2020

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”-Willie Nelson

I wanted to start my newsletter with one of my favorite singers and song writers’ words.

He always seems to make me smile when I hear him sing a song. “Count your blessings” is also a saying my Mom used quite often to all her children. I am going to work on this being thankful more than ever so I can find solace in the crazy world that surrounds us.

I hope that by being thankful rather than spiteful will make me feel that “Every day is a Great Day”! We may not be able to control what happens out there in this big world, but I certainly can try to make my little world a more optimistic and happier place.

Here are some blessings I count being at BTTC:
• I get to work here
• I have so much fun having people improve and enjoy playing a game
• All the people I have met here that make life so interesting
• I have a job that keeps me fit…there is still some work I could do to improve that area.
• The BTTC Staff
• The BTTC members
• The challenge of keeping up with Robin and the rest of the staff.

In these anxious times going to work has been a blessing. It may be a bubble but it is our bubble and I am able to focus on all things positive.

I want to Thank everyone on my list and know that I count all the BTTC members and the staff as a Great Big Giant Blessing.


Here is a "gentle" reminder to stay diligent in maintaining yours and our safety:

1. All Members are REQUIRED to check in when you enter the club. If you lost your key tag, just ask and we'll give you a new one.
2. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before you go to the court.
3. Do not enter the court until the start of your court time.
4. IF YOU ARE WITHIN 6 FEET OF ANOTHER PERSON, WEAR YOUR MASK. This applies EVERYWHERE in the club, even on the tennis courts.
5. Leave the court at 5 minutes before the end of your court time

~Thank You!~