Grow Through It As We Go Through It
Oct 27, 2020
There have been many times that I have said, “Why me? Or just “Why?” I don’t think we get the answers right away but if we “sit with it” and be patient we just may find an answer that helps us grow through it as we go through it.
Believe it or not, I actually feel physically and mentally stronger than I was 6 months ago. I have tried every day, since the reality of Covid hit me, to sit and think, “why is this happening, what lessons can we learn, how can this make us and the world better and stronger, what can we do to grow as we go?
There are many things we have done here to Grow.
1. We have communicated the changes and what we have learned from them.
2. We have accommodated for all the new Protocols and found the flow of the Club is even better.
3. Added new Programming such as Middle School and High School Strength and Conditioning Classes, more adult Tennis Clinics, High School League, a NEW Walking Group, and Zoom classes.
4. We have kept up with our regular programming and annual events; Coat Drive, Jingle Bell Run, Giving Tree, Tennis Clinics, Fitness Classes, Ride Classes, and Cycle Moles.
5. We learned that having people make reservations to work out actually has been a very positive thing. It keeps people accountable and has brought our Club Community even closer
What I have realized through all of this; it can be done, we are being tested but we can get an “A” when we put our minds to it. It just takes strength, determination, and forethought.