Robin-Healthy Habits
May 25, 2020
I'm writing to you as I am recovering at home from my right total knee replacement (and yes, I also had my left knee replaced about 2 years ago too). I know many of you have had knees, hips, shoulders, and even ankles replaced, and my hat is off to you - joint replacement is no joke and recovery is long, painful and no fun. Every day brings a little more healing and I'm really looking forward to how I will feel 3 months from now.
And that brings me to this: "Keep your Eye on the Ball" as part of your healthy habits. Of course, this can be very literal (speaking to all our tennis playing friends!) or metaphorical.Even though I live and breathe this world at BTTC of fitness, weight management, and healthy living, there are times (like right now, during recovery) where I need to remember that there is a bigger picture out there for the WHY of what we do.
It's SO easy to come up with excuses now about why you don't have time to exercise or eat right...especially during the holiday season. BUT who really wants to start out the new year feeling sluggish and overweight?
Healthy Holiday (anytime really) Habits:
Keep your Eye on the Ball: play the long-game. Exercise is like brushing your teeth - to keep getting the benefits you need to keep doing it. Sorry, there is no magic pill or "quick fix" that won't send you on a roller coaster of feeling better/worse. The key is consistency.
Win the Day! Train each day for yourself - so you can be your BEST version of you
Be Self-less - The time you spend on your own health is the most self-less time you can spend - so that you are stronger and have more energy for everyone else in your life. Make it a priority and stick to it!
Just Get Started: When it's all you can do to just roll out of bed, just get to the gym and do a little. A little may turn into a great workout and is ALWAYS better than nothing
Be Mindful of What You Eat (and Drink) - it makes a difference for how your body works and how you feel. Give yourself some limits and enjoy some (but not ALL) that this season of festivities has to offer. You'll be so happy that you DIDN'T put on that 5 extra pounds.
Create Your Own "Operating Standards" -make 10 workouts a month as part of who you are, your base of operations. Anything beyond that is extra benefit -but you always meet the minimum 10. (Our "Terrific 10" program is set up to help you win this!).
Find Your MOJO Buddy: If you have trouble with motivation to exercise on your own, get accountable and invite a friend to join you so you can help each other and commit to workouts 2X week (or more!). Take a class together, follow our W8 workout (on the board in the STRONG fitness area), or do your own thing.
GET HELP - If you are feeling stuck or bored or like you just need to make it a little more fun, take a class! Take a lesson! Work with a trainer! My Physical Therapy (as part of my recovery) reminds me how important it is to have someone else's eyes on you. They'll see things that you can't and bring you good options for change.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all again! My next big outing is with our team "Robin's Reindeer" (I hope you'll join!) and that I'll see you on 12/14 at the Jingle Bell Run/Walk. I'll likely be in a wheelchair - it's a little far for me to walk at this point - but I have a feeling that I'll have plenty of help with pushing my "sleigh". Happy Holidays to you!
To your Best Health,
~ Robin
Robin Robertson
Club Owner & Manager