Heart, by Definition is...

Feb 24, 2021

1) A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation.

2) The central or innermost part of something. "right in the heart of the city"

3) To like very much; love."I totally heart this song"

I got to be thinking of my own definition and I equate the heart to love but also to total devotion, motivation, enthusiasm, excitement, joy and happiness.

When I picture the word heart, I picture the total and complete center of a person, literally and figuratively. I feel deeply that the heart is the center for love. If you have ever thought about it, we use it in so many ways to express our emotions whether positive or negative, but it is always meaningful, and we understand each other when we use the word. “I love you with all my heart, I feel so heart broken, my heartfelt sympathy goes out to you”. These words evoke a deep response.

For us here at the Club, we all love tennis, love to work out, love a good fitness class, love the people we see and work with here, but we also love to have a healthy heart.

When we exercise of course we do our heart good and when we are happy, see friends, smile or laugh we also do our heart good. All those things release Oxytocin which is typically linked to warm-fuzzy feelings and as shown in some research to lower stress, anxiety, blood pressure and helps to protect the heart from damage.

 Oxytocin has the power to regulate our emotional responses and pro-social behaviors, including trust, empathy, positive memories, and positive communication.

 I believe, the heart is our center for happiness and health and that exercise, socialization and community are just a few of the things you can do to help your heart stay healthy! Happy American Heart Month.
