Feb 02, 2021
February is heart month! And there are lots of good ways to take care of your heart.
Here are 3 ideas!
1. Interval training for your heart’s sake – Try some cardio activity (run, bike, fast feet, squat jumps, running lines on the tennis court) that gets your heart rate UP and with time to recover. Repeat a few intervals. The time it takes you to recover from a hard interval tells a lot about your heart’s condition…the shorter the time to recover, the better shape your heart is in. If you want ideas for interval training, schedule a PT appointment with Tyler.
Email: [email protected]
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• Current Group Training Classes
• Private Tennis Lessons & Personal Training Packages
2. Go forward with Love in your Heart – emotions are still running high with our pandemic restrictions and its too easy to get upset at others. Without face to face conversations, the written words can be harsh. When I get all riled up, I remind myself to “go forward with love in your heart”. We are all doing the best we can and a little more love and kindness in the world now will go a long way.
3. Show the Love – is there someone in your life that means a lot to you? Now is a good time to tell them so with a phone call, a written card or letter, even a text. Especially if you haven’t chatted recently. People are feeling isolated and a kind word from a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker can mean so very much.
My heart is filled with love and gratitude for all of you, our BTTC community. Being open again has felt so good! Thanks for all your smiles, support, and general good cheer as you are here at the Club. We love it!
Robin Robertson
BTTC Owner & Manager
Founder: Healthy Knees Coach
Author: Healthy Knees books (Cycling, Strength, Total Knee Replacement)