Hello All!
Jun 21, 2022
A special thank you to all my new coworkers and members that I have had the opportunity to teach and meet so far, and to those who I haven’t met yet, I look forward to meeting you!
My first experience with fitness started when I was young and was introduced to baseball. Growing up attending Mariners games and training for the baseball season taught me to appreciate the work necessary to excel in the sport.
During my undergraduate studies at Western Washington University, my love and understanding for fitness grew as I was learning the fundamental pillars of movement and began applying the principles first hand.
At that time, my philosophy for fitness was more centered on maximal weight lifting to get strong as possible. While I was successful in achieving my goals, I learned that there are more aspects to an exercise regimen that affect overall health.
After college, I had the opportunity to work in a Physical Therapy clinic which emphasized functional training and modifying activities to fit any fitness level. I began to experiment with different types of exercise (yoga, HIIT, resistance training, plyometrics, etc.) and learned the importance of balancing overall stability and mobility.
My current philosophy is focused on strengthening joints and muscles to allow greater range of motion and stability within movements.
This new perspective on movement sparked my passion for fitness which led me to becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS).
I encourage all BTTC members interested in this type of training to reach out with any questions or concerns. I am eager to meet you all and can’t wait to work toward your fitness goals together!