Sep 29, 2021
I am inspired by a conversation I had yesterday with a friend. We started talking fitness and tennis and it then turned to our mutual interest in people and just what makes them tick.
I said, “I just think of everyone as an individual story, that I am trying to read and understand”.
Each one of us have a story and what a joy it is for me to get to know all of you and understand and help you on a good day or difficult day. |
We are all so different and that’s what makes life so much fun and so interesting, I love the challenge, that being, to listen, read between the lines and figure out how I can best relate, help and learn. |
I think of life as a mirror that is put up in front of me, that mirror being you and what you are showing me is just the thing that I need to look at in myself, to grow and learn from. |
Your story, your life, is put in front of me like a book to unfold, read, learn from, and enjoy.
I have now worked here for 4 years and absolutely love it. I have grown as a person, Manager, and friend. I believe it is from all of your stories that I am writing my own and so far, it is a fun one. |
Thank you for sharing yourself and also understanding we all have a story so let’s be kind, mindful and learn from each other. Happy Fall
~Michelle |