Living Gratefully
Aug 11, 2020
This month’s theme is “Living Gratefully” which is certainly a challenge in this Covid time.
So, in these times I always go back to my friend and BTTC member Grant Wilder’s phrase that “every day is a great day!” to keep me grounded.
Yes, these are troubling times, but we are still alive, and we should be thankful for just that. Humans have adapted to so many things through history that this will also just be history.
We do have a responsibility to be kind, thoughtful, and responsible during this pandemic so that we go to bed each night knowing that “Every day is a Great Day” and we tried to make that true for our fellow citizens.
So here are some of the things that I am grateful for:
• My Family
• My Friends
• MY job here at BTTC
• Living in Bellingham
• My Health…though getting older is somewhat of a challenge
• All my life’s experiences that lead me to believe I have truly had a charmed life
• And of course, all the members here at BTTC that make my job so much fun.
We all have the right to cry, scream, and reflect each day but do not forget to smile after so you can know that you are here and able to have all these emotions.
Thank you for all for keeping the club going and please be safe and strong.
Matthew Iwersen
Assistant Manager/Tennis Director
USPTA Elite Professional/Certified Tester
PNW USPTA Board President