Lots of Exciting Things!

Jan 20, 2023

Happy New Year to all! I hope every one of you had a wonderful holiday, and stayed safe and sound during the snow and ice storms.


There are lots of exciting things coming up this year at Bellingham Training and Tennis Club.


In February, we are rolling out the 60-Day Challenge. But Kristyn, what's the 60-Day Challenge? I'm SO GLAD you asked...


The 60-Day Challenge is an opportunity to improve your health, see measurable results, all while learning some Fitness and Nutrition Education.


The Challenge is NOT a New Year's Based Resolution program. It is a guided program to help implement small lifestyle changes that will eventually lead to healthy habits down the road.



As part of this program, we trainers are also here to help provide support and workouts, as much or as little as desired. We want to help you succeed in any way possible. Each week you will have access to motivational videos, giving helpful fitness and nutrition advice.


Prefer to workout on your own, but need a little direction? You will have access to a pre-made workout that can be done in house, with photos and descriptions accompanying each exercise.


There will be prizes at the end of the challenge, which will be determined through the highest point accumulation. You can earn points in different ways, just by checking into the club!


Additionally, every Saturday there will be a "Saturday Sweat" class, dedicated to participants of the Challenge. Each Saturday's focus will be something different, adding to your various types of exercise routines.


In whatever way we can be there for you, we will do our best.


Initial consultations are 2/4-2/6, you may sign up online or at the Front Desk. Registration has begun! For more information and to register on line: CLICK HERE



