More Smiling in 2023
Jan 13, 2023
New Year Resolutions.
How can I get better without the footwork I used to have? How do I improve my serve? How do I get a more consistent backhand?
We can all be better tennis players than we are right now. The beauty of this game is that it is always challenging and fun.
We all know that there is something in our game that we could work on and improve. The key is to figure out what aspect of the game would be best for you to improve and then make a resolution to spend this year getting that part of your game better.
Remember this is a New Year’s resolution. The operative word here is year…it will most likely take a year to improve a stroke or a game style. One must be patient when making these kinds of pledges.
If you put the time and effort in required than you will be much more pleased when coming off the court. And I always like to see people come off the court with smiles.
Now for my 2023 Resolution. Phew. The busy holidays are over, and it is now time to get back to our routines. I know that we are all supposed to be setting up a new resolution to make our lives better by more exercise, eating healthier, drinking less….etc.
I like the resolution that I am going to do more things to make me happier. A happier person is usually a better person to have around. So I figure if I am happier then maybe I will make other people happier.
For this to happen many of the typical resolutions we grab on to will come into play. If I keep my body feeling fit, have a healthier diet, and go see more live music I will most likely feel happier.
Now, go out and make a life and a tennis resolution. If anything, it is fun to see if we can change one little thing in our lives that will in the long run make us happier.
I know if I play a few more fun doubles matches and see some great live music this year I will be smiling more often than not.
~Matt |