Our Mission and Vision
Jun 03, 2021
Our theme this month is our Mission and Vision
"We help you achieve the fitness you want in a place that you love by providing a first-class facility, an educated staff, and a caring community"
I could not have predicted, 21 years ago, what you all would mean to me. When Doug asked me if I thought I could manage the club, “Sure”, I said “how hard could it be?” Well, the full answer to that question deserves cocktails and a time to share the story, cuz it wasn’t an easy journey by any means. But good things are worth the struggle, right?
We went from turning around a failing business to creating a place that means so much to so many people. I went from scrambling around to manage every aspect of the business to grow into leading a team of professionals who all believe in our mission, vision, and core values.
Do I love what I do? Absolutely – because I love serving you and helping you to live a healthier and happier life. I love how supportive our community is here at the club and am so thankful for all of you.
You may not know that my past work (pre-Club) was in Environmental Science and my focus was to improve the world through waste reduction and recycling. With the Club, I figure that I have simply shifted to a focus on the internal environment – helping you to be stronger and feel healthy.
And when you are stronger and healthier, you feel more confident and have more energy. And when you feel confident and have more energy, you can go out and do good things in the world. That’s a big win for us all.
Thank you so much for being a part of our world here at the Club and we are so grateful to be a part of yours.