May 27, 2020
A Note From Michelle Fry
As you may have noticed this month all of the Managers have written about patience. I am not sure where the idea came from, but I loved the idea because I feel like it is so important to have patience and in my case, I feel like my entire life has been about learning and teaching patience.
What patience means to me; be a good listener, allow others to go at their own pace, don’t push to hard to get things done in too short of time, remember everyone has their own story, don’t put expectations on yourself or anyone else with out an explanation, take a deep breath and don’t yell at the driver in front of you…they can’t hear you and it won’t help.
When we reopen the Club, we all need to be understanding. There will be so many new things to adjust too and everything is just going to take longer then it used to. But if we all remember to take a deep breath, relax, be kind and patient we will get through this and life will be great again!
I am so excited to get back to the Club.
Michelle Fry
Member and Guest Service Manager
Bellingham Training and Tennis Club
[email protected]