Resilience by Matthew Iwersen

Dec 09, 2020

Resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties: toughness

Tennis matches have many ups and down. That is why I have heard that you can often see the true personality of a person when playing a tough tennis match. It is how we behave during the match that shows our true colors.

The most admired competitors are those that win and lose graciously. These times are like one of the toughest matches we have ever been in. How are we behaving?

We know life has many ups and downs. It is the resilience in us that allows us to get through the lows to experience the highs. We are now experiencing a low as a society. How will we approach these times?

There are many moments in our lives that we need to get through and chalk it up as something we can learn from or just be happy it is over.

This is not a time we just get through and be happy. We are all going through this pandemic together. It may be harder for some than others and we must recognize this and do our best to help each other get through this difficult time.

The world will get through this and there will be another crisis that we as humans will have to deal with. I can only hope we learn something about compassion. This is the season of giving. Let us start by seeing how we can help give each other a boost. Let those that we know are suffering, we are there if they need help.

We are at a time where we need to give and show kindness and concern rather than anger and despair. We must fight through this tough match so that no matter the outcome we can show our resilience when the match is over. We can be stronger after this battle if we work together and give each other a helping hand.

I look forward to seeing BTTC being the fun and active place it is. I miss all of you and urge you to:

Be Safe. Be Strong. Be Kind.
