Resilience by Tyler Budwey
Dec 15, 2020
There’s no better topic for a newsletter by a fitness guy than resilience.
It is what I preach day in and day out. It is what physical activity, fitness, and sport represent.
Resilience. Being adaptable. Preparing ourselves to handle whatever life throws our way. Take COVID – 19 for example. Gym closures, heightened stress levels, and a plethora of other physical and emotional stressors laid down upon us day in and day out for a year.
Fitness became a priority to many. Maybe it was a way to keep your health strong, maybe it was a way to blow off stream and to keep yourself sane. Either way, it contributed towards your resilience in a challenging time.
On top of serving as a scientifically proven stress reliever, physical activity also contributes towards a robust immune system. Not only that, but also a robust and resilient body. Resistance training in particular creates a strong body that can withstand more use and abuse than just going about life without it. Resistance training prevents age and inactivity related muscle wasting. It creates lean body mass that helps you stay strong and healthy.
It increases mineral bone density, helping protect you from traumatic injury. Resistance training increases both strength and power. This makes you not only quicker and more explosive, but also increases your balance, which is important for everyone. Resistance training is the number one recommended, & most scientifically validated intervention for joint & low back pain. Resistance training simply makes you stronger.
Although the gym is closed, your access to training isn’t. There are plenty of resources out there to help you train at home to maintain your fitness.
We have the Zoom Zone, full of Ride classes, Performance classes, Body Con classes, and TRX. If online classes aren’t your thing, then get outside. We are lucky to live in an area such as Bellingham, where even though the weather isn’t as good as in July, you can still get outside and have fun year-round.