Serve First

Apr 20, 2021

Our duties naturally emerge from such fundamental relations as our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, our state or nation. Make it your regular habit to consider your roles—parent, child, neighbor, citizen, leader—and the natural duties that arise from them. Once you know who you are and to whom you are linked, you will know what to do.

One of the many factors that influences the effectiveness and function of a society is its participants willingness to serve. Servitude can come in many different forms, of which each have their inherent value.

Sometimes, we must be selfless, and sacrifice wants and desires to serve others, such as a loved one, a child, or a friend in need. Sometimes, we have to serve ourselves, to keep mentally and physically strong.

Here at the club, we aim to embody both of those things. We as a staff are here to serve you. Here to serve the community. We aim to make sure you have everything at your disposal to both enjoy your time here, and to enjoy life. In addition, we strive to grant you the tools to serve yourself.

Sometimes we need to serve ourselves first, to be strong enough to serve others. If you are constantly running yourself down with too much physical activity, or doing too much for others without tending to yourself, well, that’s not going to last very long.

Sometimes, the most selfless thing you can do, is to actually be selfish. Making time for yourself to resistance train on a regular basis, or to add in a conditioning session once or twice a week goes a long way in not only our physical capabilities, but also our longevity.

The stronger you are the more you can handle, the harder you can play, and the more you can serve. Epictetus knew that intuitively 1900 years ago, and I hope you do now.

In such a selfish world – do your best to instill a little selflessness from time to time.
