Michelle-So why is "No" so hard for some people to say?
May 18, 2020When Kyle asked me to write a short article for the Newsletter, it sparked me to think, Do I have a choice? Could I say No and if so, why would I say No?
Of course, I should write it, it will be fun, and I will write it all about the word "NO" I have somehow in my life learned to say "Yes" thoughtfully and slowly and "No" gracefully. I don't necessarily like conflict or to disappoint but I also don't like to say yes and then be resentful.I have learned the hard way, no doubt about that, but as I have grown older
I realize it is much nicer, not only to myself to say "No" when I really need to and to say "Yes" when I really want to! Please, this year be kind to yourself, say "Yes" gratefully and "No" kindly. And if you are the person asking for something please be understanding and happy no matter what the answer is.
Thank you for making Bellingham Training and Tennis Club absolutely
the best place I have ever worked. I am so happy to be here going on my 3rd year! Cheers to all of you and a Happy New Year!
Love and Peace,
Michelle Fry
BTTC Member and Guest Service Manager