Summer Fun

Jun 15, 2022

The Summer is upon us, at least according to the calendar.

Here are some things to look forward to!


  • Summer Tennis Camps – BTTC has 8 weeks of Junior tennis camps covering all ages of kids.


  • Summer Clinics – BTTC has an 8 week summer session for all levels starting June 27th.


  • Summer Outdoor Adult Leagues – These are Mixed Leagues – Monday 6-8 pm Advanced and Thursdays 6-8 pm Intermediate. These are at Sehome HS.



  • Right Around the corner – Skagit Valley Junior Tennis Tournament – June 24-26 – Registration closes June 18th– register at



Remember, studies show people that play tennis and workout regularly live a longer and happier life.


So, get out there and hit the ball and get a workout in to make your life better.


It’s fun! 

