Time Flies
Dec 14, 2021
It was a December that started off with a bang….The Holiday Open Tennis Tournament and now it seems like Christmas is just around the corner.
Maybe because the days are so short time flies by even faster. The 2021 year was still one of caution and adapting. We could all use a break!
The Holiday Open was a very busy tournament. Thanks to the front desk and tennis staff we survived new software, 116 matches, and late-night tennis. The matches and the tremendous number of entries it certainly felt like old times a little bit.
Thank you to the BTTC staff and all the wonderful players for making it a successful weekend.
With Christmas right around the corner I want to wish all of you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.
We still have work to do but it seems by staying healthy and looking out for each other we can overcome the so many obstacles that have come our way the past 2 years.
Speaking of time flying by it is time to sign up for our Winter in-house leagues!
Play more tennis and you will feel better is my motto these days.
Happy Holidays!