To Be Honest...
Dec 01, 2020
Many years ago, my husband Doug gave me the nickname of “Posi-Twist” because I can take just about any poor situation and find some good in it.
Well, I have to tell you, It’s really hard to have a positive outlook when faced with layoffs, letting down our team and members with the Club being closed by order of the state for the second time due to Covid, and the cases of Covid across Whatcom County, Washington State, and the entire USA are hitting higher and higher peaks.
I feel angry, scared, anxious, and sad for so many reasons. I’ve struggled with these feelings since they are so far outside my norm. I’ve come around to understand that it is important to acknowledge these feelings, maybe even wallow in it for a bit, but not get lost in them.
I bet some of you have these kinds of feelings too. It’s OK to acknowledge them, to feel them. But I think the important thing to remember is to let go of the things you cannot control and retarget your energy toward the things you can change.
Here’s the thing…
I believe in doing the right thing.
I believe in taking care of people, creating community, protecting health, and supporting each other however we can. Our team and our Club community is so incredibly important to me – and many of you have shared that we are important to you too. For that I am so grateful.
You have lifted my spirits by showing such support in these difficult times. I give a heartfelt thank you to all of the members and Club Community who helped support…
• Granting the Holiday Gift wishes for 20 needy families (through Interfaith Coalition) with a total of 40 presents
• We’ve raised $1735 (so far!) for the Arthritis Foundation with Robin’s Reindeer Team. You can join or donate: Click Here
• As of this writing, we are nearing 200 members who’ve opted in to support the Club by paying December dues. Others have made significant contributions to the Club because they want us to be here in the future. My heart swells at this kindness and all of those funds will pay wages for our remaining team. You can still OPT-IN for December Dues: Click Here
I do not have the words to THANK YOU enough – you have rekindled my hope and drive to make all of this work and embrace with my old friends
Hope and Good Cheer. They are much better suited for the holidays, anyway.
Wishing you HOPE and GOOD CHEER through the holidays,