To Serve others....
Apr 13, 2021
“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.”– Sally Koch
Most of us tennis players know that tennis can teach us some things about life. We win some and we lose some. Some days we feel like we cannot miss and some days we cannot hit the ball in the court.
We also know that when we serve well the rest of the game gets a bit easier. Serving is an advantage that is why getting your serve broken is usually a big disappointment.
Well, here is the thing about serving in tennis and serving in life. If we do not serve well it is a struggle to stay ahead in a match, if we do not serve others well in life than we are not going to get a full and rewarding life.
To serve others may be the most important thing we do in life. We don’t all have to be Mother Theresa but I believe we all know that helping others is one of the most gratifying things we can do in life.
I am in the belief that in my job and all the BTTC staff’s intention is to make any person that comes into the club have a better day. We are here to brighten up your day by improving your tennis experience, to get you stronger, to stay fit, and enjoy your friends.
The serve is the start of a tennis point. To Serve others is to start making the world better. Either way, like Bob Dylan wrote “Your Gonna Have to Serve Somebody” -
I personally like what Dr. Seuss has to say:
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”– Dr. Seuss