Try to make every day a better day...

Mar 09, 2022
“Try to make every day a better day by taking one step forward to improving you” …My Dad (Frank Iwerson)
Yes, these were words my dad spoke to me later in his life. He was not one to give long winded talks on how we should approach life. He influenced all of us (my brothers and sister) by example. I do not remember him ever missing a day of work.
He never got mad, always was quite calm when trying to set us straight. He kept up to date on what was new in his profession. He was always trying to improve. I can honestly say I can only hope to be half as good as he was in getting through life.
In my journey to make each day a day to improve I realize that even on your worst days there is an experience in that day that can help you be better. I do not really pray to one God every night like I did growing up in my catholic education, but I do believe reflecting at the end of the day on what was good and what can I do to make tomorrow better is form of praying. I know I have not reached the high standard my dad set but if I keep working at it, I too can improve as a person.
Not every day will feel like you were successful in improving your tennis game, fitness, or your overall self. But if you are trying it will show up somewhere down the line. I know that I will never be the tennis player I was, but I can certainly be better in the future if I work at being better today. Same goes for all of us that make excuses about working on our fitness. We all know if we work at it on a regular basis, we will feel better.
Here is a good quote for all of us to live by:
“No matter how much experience you have, there’s always something new you can learn and room for improvement.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart    (Amazon Link