What is mindfulness...

Mar 09, 2021

What is mindfulness

 ·     Intention to cultivate awareness (and return to it again and again)

·     Attention to what is occurring in the present moment (simply observing thoughts, feelings, sensations as they arise)

·     Attitude that is non-judgmental, curious, and kind.


“Be here now” the book by Baba Ram Das <click here for link> was a very influential in the free-spirited movement of the 60’s Hippie culture. To me the title depicts mindfulness.

 It is important sometimes to just be aware of what you are doing now. Sometimes this world can throw so much at you that you end up doing what we call multi-tasking. I do not believe our best work is done when we are trying to juggle many tasks at the same time.

 Focus is another term that fits into the mindfulness category. To focus on what is important now seems to produce better results.

 Tennis can be a metaphor for life. Those that are very present while playing seem to be quite successful.

 To really be successful in this game we must just play one shot at a time. We must learn to have complete focus on the shot we are about to hit and not let any outside influence get in the way of striking that ball.

 We must learn to forget about the last shot as we must also not worry about what the next 2 shots are going to be. To play good tennis you must hit one shot at a time.

 To live a good life you must be aware of what is happening at the present moment and deal with it.

So, in the words of Chevy Chase in the movie Caddyshack “Be the ball, Danny”.

 Be the Ball Video (click here)

 Help your mental game: Speaking of the mind, our very own Jessyca Arthur Cameselle, head of the sports psychology department at WWU, has been offering sessions to help your mental game.

Check out the flyer (click here)
