“Who is the New Kid on the Block?”

Dec 08, 2021

I am excited to be the newest employee at the BTTC—Yup, I am assuming the GM role at the Club beginning in December. After 21 years of really exceptional leadership, Robin is stepping back from the day-to-day operations.

WHY??­—Two reasons: First, she has so many interests and projects to dive into including Healthy Knees Coach, and as the Fairhaven Association President….It is time for us to allow her to expand her horizons and conquer other projects. But don’t worry, Robin will continue working with me and all the staff to keep the Club on course and solid. Second, as part of our Core Values, we want to “always improve”. In this spirit, I look at things a little differently than Robin and so I’ll bring in a fresh perspective for our business.

 In this process, Robin, the management team, and I want to continue the positive evolution of the Club’s systems and processes behind the scenes and the experience that you have. Robin et. al. have really made an amazing Club experience.

 We think that opening up avenues for different forms of progress will make it even better. Robin, Matt, Michelle, Tyler, Becca and Kyle have been working hard for 2 months to look at all of our systems and programs with an eye on “how can we make it better”? As I step in, I want to bring just enough of a difference to allow that positive evolution to continue.

 I am really excited to work with all the staff and all the members on a daily basis. And please—stop in, say hello and let me know what your ideas are for positive evolution.


 Doug Robertson