You Have The Power to Revoke

Oct 20, 2021

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

-Marcus Aurelius 


 The thing that makes resistance training such a meaningful and important activity, is that it forces you to confront your own [Stuff].


 If you want to see results, you have to learn to cope with what you cannot control, and to focus your energy on the things you can. 


Excuses get you nowhere, and you will eventually be forced to realize this when it comes to weight training and its intended action in taking you towards your goals.


 All it comes down to is you, your program, and your execution. Are you making the time required to exercise? Are you then following the program and not deviating from it?


If you are doing those two things, are you then pushing yourself adequately? What about outside of the gym? Are you prioritizing sound nutrition habits to refuel and replenish your body? Are you turning off the TV or putting down your phone at night so you can get enough sleep to actually recover?  



If you find yourself constantly making excuses, or blaming other things for getting in the way of the direction you want to go, but simultaneously haven’t addressed your exercise habits, nutrition, and sleep, your priorities are not well aligned. 


Do you really want what you say you do? If so, why are you making excuses for things that don’t really matter, and turning a blind eye to the things that do? 


Weight training forces us to acknowledge and accept these things, and take personal responsibility for correcting them. That then carries over to the rest of your life. You start prioritizing your health a little more. You push a little harder in the gym. You let distractions fade away. 


All of a sudden you are a little more focused outside of the gym. You are a little more disciplined, and find ways to push yourself and accomplish things that need to get done. You become more powerful – both physically and mentally. 


Once this chain reaction takes place, you feel more in control of yourself and your life. External things don’t bother you or distract you anymore. You are able to enjoy your life a little more than you did before.


And it all started with just picking up a weight…



